Providing quality childcare for Lamont and Bruderheim




Bruderheim Childcare Center

Now Open. Providing Childcare and Out of School Care.

12months to 12 years

Lamont Daycare open!

We have space for 21 children per day. Even though we are full to full time registrants, we are still accepting part time applicants and casual care. Join our waitlist if you are needing care, spots open up regularly as our families lifestyle changes.

After School Care

After School Care will be located at Lamont Elementary School. Care will be from 3pm to 6pm on school days only. We will have activities planned, free play, reading time, independent play, out door time! It’ll be a great option for your kids after school to unwind and hang out. Before School care is being considered for the future. If your family is interested, please email or let us know. After school care is subsidized by the government. Our maximum parent pay portion is $300/month per child of any age between grade 1 to grade 6. Find out if you qualify to pay $0.00!!!

Registration Opens NOW !

Priority is given to full time children first. We will do our best to accommodate part time request as well.

Accepting children between 19 months and 5 years (or before grade 1).

We will offer the Subsidy Grant and Affordability Grant at our daycare!

Play: to have fun and make a big mess with toys.